This page contains all information about Dollar Bank in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania (PA), including address, website, phone number and reviews
Nelson Iacovino | 2015-05-16 02:48:43
This company will screw you out of money anyway it can. I had one withdraw accident from my checking account and they charged me a 70 dollar fee even though I had more than 8000 in my savings account with them at the time. They would not have processed the overdraw if i didn't have enough to cover it. They told me the capital one credit card fee would have been more but that is not true. Captial one does not charge me for failed bank transfers. Dollar bank also has a terrible website compared to PNC This company will steal your money by nickel and dimeing you in hidden fees. Terrible company. You have been warned.
Paul Bliss | 2017-01-07 21:55:04
I had a major overdraft issue because of how Paypal charges a card which lead to an excessive amount of overdraft charges on my account. Needless to say I was extremely p!ssed off when I went to the branch. After first seeing a teller who couldn't help me I was then taken to see Eric. Long story short, he was patient, calm and professional in dealing with me in my highly agitated state. He fixed all the wrongs, and made all the overdraft charges disappear. As quick as we are to bash a company, I want to take the time to say Thank you for making this right. You have a loyal customer now.