This page contains all information about Sutton Residential & Commercial in Missouri City, Texas (TX), including address, website, phone number and reviews
Don'l williams | 2014-09-30 23:55:26
I hate to be a first person to review, but im fed up with all of this. All im going to say is, if you like to wait 5 months to get into a house, and no communication on anything tell weeks later. Then this is the choice for you. You will have to email them every day and still wait weeks to find out they needed something from you that they could have asked for weeks ago. This stared on 05/24/14 its now 09/30/14 just now told everything was finished and we could close on 10/02/14. By the time I realized it was taking way to long I had already invested $1,800 into this. What upsets me the most is after this horrible run around iv been getting, this broker will still make over 2k on this deal.