online banking sucks always trouble logging in im gonna have to change banks
tori brown | 2016-07-22 20:02:39
Can never get in touch with a rep. makes business with them very difficult. I will be transferring to a more accessible credit union. 0 stars.
Jim McCafferty | 2016-06-01 22:20:38
I have been with Freedom for several years now. I feel like I own the place, which, technically, if you are a customer, you do own the place, credit unions are owned by their depositors. I have a Citicorp Visa that has huge fees if I mess up and a 24% interest rate. My Freedom Visa gives me more perks and coverages and benefits with an 8.9% interest rate. And a higher limit. My auto loan is 2.99% and the dealer wanted to charge me 4.9%. My credit union is there for ME, they have protected me from other outfits taking advantage. My checking account EARNS INTEREST! I'm moving my mortgage over to them now. Join a credit union, not just any credit union, but THIS credit union. Police and Fire credit union won't finance a car older than 2010! 6 years! Freedom financed the car I could afford to buy. Thank you, Freedom!
Keeta M | 2017-03-13 15:20:54
I have shared branching and have no account with this bank and have never had a problem at all. I plan on opening an account here cause I'm very satisfied
Chris Cross | 2017-03-03 20:51:43
I have been with Freedom Credit Union for over 20 years and never had a problem... Love the Freedom!!!