Dont trust a damn thing you buy at this pawn shop. I have bought two electronic pieces (a center channel speaker and an ipod) and had been assured that both items had been fully tested before buying them. WRONG! Neither worked at all. Nothing is tested. Be careful what you buy and test everything!
Dave Berghold | 2014-08-04 02:34:34
No better place in town for the quick stop shopping experience. Need a lamp, end table, spare fishing gear? These guys have it all and it's well priced too! Don't know what the one bad review is all about.... these guys move a ton of merchandise and they have super customer service. Loyal customer here!
Magus Rau | 2016-02-02 18:17:00
You know as I walked into this place I did remember how big this place was on the outside. but man inside this place felt cramped. - 1 Star...walking around seemed to be harder on me then most places. -1 star...They did have a lot of people working there willing to help. a lot seemed to know they had been asked about to. +1 Star... how much thing had been mark down made some sens. +1 stars...The raw amount of item was insane +1 star....
Tenaya Bowman | 2016-09-27 21:43:11
I have never had a bad experience here! It is a. It cramped and prides are a bit high, but other that that, it is great!
randyusmc | 2016-11-29 01:15:28
Expensive, may as well buy stuff brand new at the prices they are asking. WTF I always thought you got deals at pawnshops, some of their items are only a couple of dollars away from a retail stores price and its used! Better off just buying things online with a coupon code! Dont even try to work on the price with you!